Central Church Sermons
We are a church in the greater Memphis area that wants to be different. Our desire is for people who are far away from God as well as those who are tired of religion, to see a church that is doing everything possible to honor Christ and change the world. For more information visit www.centralchurch.com
416 episodes
The Afterlife in 3D
The eternal destinations of heaven and hell are determined by where we place our trust and what we truly desire in life. While some trust in their wealth and earthly kingdoms, true believers place their complete trust in God. Death comes to eve...

Dinner Theater: The Delight of Christ
Finding joy in seeking those who are spiritually lost - exploring Jesus's heart for reaching others through powerful parables in Luke 15. Discover the transformative patterns of loss, searching, and celebration that reveal God's deep love...

Lifegoals: Learn the Fight of Evangelism
In this week's deep dive into Luke 13, Pastor Matt Shackelford explores the relentless spirit required for effective evangelism. Jesus exemplifies this spirit, always ready to preach the gospel and correct false teachings, even in challen...

Life Goals: Get a Strategy for Tragedy
In this insightful exploration of Luke 13:1-9, Pastor Matt Shackelford shows how to navigate life's inevitable tragedies by focusing on transformation. Jesus addresses the unavoidable nature of suffering in a fallen world, using the examples of...

Theophobia: Fear Missing the Opportunity
Many of us hold a familiar image of Jesus: the Prince of Peace, or the newborn in a manger. But passages like Luke 12:49-58 challenge us to see another side—one that calls us to a choice and warns of consequences. When Jesus says, "I came to ca...

Theophobia: Fear the Unexpected
Thieves are only effective when you don't know they're coming. In the same way that we would protect our house if we knew it was in danger, Jesus tells us to be vigilant for His return. In Luke 12:35-48, Jesus teaches that we must be prepared a...

Theophobia: High Anxiety
Chances are that you or someone you know struggle with anxiety. It's one of the most common issues of our generation. In this sermon, Pastor Todd Parr looks at Luke 12:23-34 and what the Bible says about anxiety. Through this sermon, you'll lea...

Theophobia: Fear Being Buried Alive
One of our greatest mistakes is relying on ourselves. Whether it's for our physical needs or our spiritual, we often forget that God is ultimately in control. In this sermon from Luke 12, Pastor Matt Shackelford teaches on the parable of the ri...