Central Church Sermons
We are a church in the greater Memphis area that wants to be different. Our desire is for people who are far away from God as well as those who are tired of religion, to see a church that is doing everything possible to honor Christ and change the world. For more information visit www.centralchurch.com
Central Church Sermons
The Afterlife in 3D
Central Church
The eternal destinations of heaven and hell are determined by where we place our trust and what we truly desire in life. While some trust in their wealth and earthly kingdoms, true believers place their complete trust in God. Death comes to everyone regardless of status, but it's not the end - it leads either to eternal comfort or torment. Hell is a real place of conscious suffering, permanent separation from God, and eternal regret. The only escape is through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, turning from self-reliance to complete dependence on God.